Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are some tools For observing a blizzard?

Like development, forecasting, and detection tools. Something like that.

And also what are the stages and structure in the formation of a blizzard|||The definition of a blizzard is only based on a wind force at sub-freezing temperature. The wind force varies from the US, Canadian and British definition. To measure that, you only need an anemometer.

Blizzard doesn't need to involve snow from the clouds, it can be drifting snow blown by the wind. The next definition is the visibility. At airports, both vertical and horizontal visibility is assessed with dedicated instruments using lights and sensors. You don't need that. If you know of e.g. a road along with there are, at regular distances, lampposts or electrical poles, you can make your own visibility sensor by simply measuring the distances then counting the number of poles you see.

There is no special conditions for a blizzard other than any other condition that can create a wind of a certain force. That happens nearly exclusively from the tight barometric gradients between a low and high pressure. In very seldom cases, it may happen for example from a katabatic wind. This is a wind created when the cold air of the mountains fall down in the valleys, usually at night. In extreme places like where the the cold air of the central plateau of Greenland falls down in the coastal fjords, it has been known that katabatic winds have destroyed Inuit villages.

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