Saturday, October 1, 2011

What speed do you drive in a snow blizzard?

If the road is covered with snow, late at night, and the snow is coming down hard and in a blinding swirl, what speed would you drive at.|||It would be best to not drive at all under those conditions, but if you must drive, drive slowly enough so that you can stop in time to not hit anything that may be in front of you. The actual speed will vary with conditions and visibility. Try pretending that something on or beside the road is a person or another vehicle. If you can't stop before you pass it, you're driving too fast.|||Zero. No one should drive in a blizzard.|||What you're comfortable with. There's no reason to speed in those types of conditions just to appease others. They can always pass you if they're in such a hurry to possibly wreck.|||Whatever speed I'm comfortable with, the amount of snow on the road, and how far down the road I can see.

I once drove on a secondary road where the snow was kicking up so hard that I literally could not see the road in front of the car. It was like a sheet of white in front of the headlamps. I had to come to a stop during those times and when the wind let up a little to reveal the road in front, I could start to drive forward again. This went on for about 1/2 an hour and I did not get very far in that time but I made it home safely.|||Whatever speed you feel you can still stop the car in the event of a skid. In reality though, try not to dive in that weather.|||you should drive between 10-30mph. no higher than 40mph. here's a tip. drive at a speed where you are able to stop within range of your headlights.|||Depends on how fast people around you are going!

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