I put an add on craigslist to sell my wow account, I used the mywowarmory, not the blizzard wow armory, but I got an email through craigslist from blizzard account administration team about EULA violation. Is this common? can I ignore it?|||Say good bye to your account. That is against the EULA which means they have every right to take any action they deem appropriate when you break the rules, up to and including permanent banning of the account and characters on it.
You can't sell your characters or account as you don't own them, Blizzard does. Best method is to sell in the classifieds of the local paper, Blizzard likely won't look there, or better yet sell to a person for cash so there is no paper trail.|||Technically this is considered 'Sharing your account' In blizzard's eyes... i had a scare where a few mates were jumping on my account to have a play around... They live in another part of the world.
I got a temp ban.
I can't see that selling your account is going to work... but i haven't heard much on people buying/selling wow accounts
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